Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Oral Conscious Sedation

The idea of going to the dentist for a procedure brings on feelings of fear or anxiety in some people, but there are options to ease the anxiety. Between 5% and 8% of Americans avoid going to the dentist due to dental phobia.  We offer an extremely practical solution to dental phobia through sedation. We provide a safe environment with skilled staff members who are able to comfort you through various sedation methods.
Sedation is mainly used when a patient has a high level of anxiety or dental phobia, not necessarily because of pain. Thanks to modern endodontic technology and advancements in dental care, once-invasive procedures can now be a simple and painless. Sedation dentistry techniques enable the patients who might otherwise avoid the dentist to receive dental treatment necessary for a healthy smile. We offer oral conscious sedation to our patients. We will provide you with an oral sedative such as “Valium” to ease your nerves. This is utilized for patients with mild to moderate anxiety as it is not as powerful as other sedation methods.  
With oral conscious sedation, anxious patients take a sedative pill such as Valium about an hour before their dental appointment to help them relax. When the patient gets to our office, Dr. Garrison may give more pills, depending on how well the first one worked. With oral conscious sedation, patients will not be “knocked out” and will be able to interact or react to any directives given by Dr. Garrison.
If you have dental phobia or have an invasive procedure coming up, contact us for more information about sedation. Call 816-532-8706 to schedule your appointment today. 

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