Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Break Your Bad Oral Habits

If you open packages with your teeth, bite your nails or suck your thumb when you’re anxious, you are likely wrecking your teeth without even knowing it. Habits such as these can damage your teeth over time, and increase your chances of cracking, chipping or fracturing a tooth. Our doctors at Garrison Family Dentistry want you to keep your permanent teeth for a lifetime, so if you practice any of these detrimental habits, it’s time to break them, immediately.

If you’re a nail-biter, this nervous habit can impact your jaw just as much as it impacts your teeth. This is because placing your jaw in a protruded position for a long period of time can put unnecessary pressure on it. Using your teeth as a tool can easily crack teeth because all it takes is one wrong move for the enamel to break. Teeth clenching and grinding will also cause jaw pain, an improper bite, and may cause crooked teeth. If bruxism is detected, our doctors may suggest a mouth guard to protect the teeth.

If you have questions or concerns regarding oral care or dental health, please give us a call. To learn more about the services we provide at our practice, visit www.garrisondentistry.com for more information. To schedule an appointment with Garrison Family Dentistry here in Smithville, MO, call 816-532-8778.

Thursday, February 8, 2018

National Children's Dental Health Month

We provide dental cleanings to people of all ages at Garrison Family Dentistry in Smithville, and we’re proud to have educated so many children about their oral health. February is designated by the American Dental Association as National Children’ Dental Health Month, and this year, dentists are focusing on teaching why and how to use fluoridated toothpaste.

Just because baby teeth fall out doesn’t mean decay will be any less painful if they aren’t kept clean. When children suffer from dental infections, their speech development, eating, sleeping, behavior, and academic performance all suffer. Fluoride treatments at our office can help prevent this, but regular use of fluoridated toothpaste also helps to shield teeth from acid caused by bacteria. We recommend that parents begin brushing their child’s teeth as soon as the first one erupts. As children age, their oral hygiene becomes one of the first aspects of their health that is their own responsibility, which prepares them for a lifetime of making self-care a habit. The only thing to look out for with fluoridated toothpaste is to not use it on oral appliances since they lack the protective film teeth have. These should be brushed with a different toothbrush, as well.

Dr. Matthew Garrison operates at Garrison Family Dentistry, 14790 N. 169 Highway, Smithville, Missouri, 64089. To schedule an appointment, call 816-532-8778 or visit Garrison Dentistry and fill out a contact sheet.