Monday, September 17, 2018

Periodontal Maintenance

In its most advanced stages, gum disease can lead to gum recession, and even tooth loss.  Garrison Family Dentistry wants to make sure it never gets to that point for you and your family!  When plaque builds up on a tooth, the gum starts to pull away from the tooth and form a pocket around the buildup, which only leads to more gum recession.  A scaling and root planing procedure is used to treat this buildup and prevent the later stages of gum disease.

Scaling and root planning are two parts of a deep cleaning procedure your dentist can perform to help reverse the progress of gum disease.  The procedure beings with scaling, which is the process of the dentist removing plaque from the surface of the teeth, all the way down to the gums. Root planing is the term for any minor contouring to smooth the surface of a tooth near the root.  When plaque has been removed and the tooth root has been smoothed, the gums that have pulled away will have a clean, smooth surface to reattach to as they heal.

To learn more about deep periodontal cleaning and all the other treatments provided at our practice, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with Garrison Family Dentistry in Smithville, MO, call 816-532-8778.

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Drink Water For Oral Health

Drinking water is important for your health at all ages.  Garrison Family Dentistry sees adult patients that are guilty of not drinking enough water, so we know it can be tough to monitor if kids are getting enough too.  We want to encourage you and the kids in your family to stay hydrated and healthy!

We all know kids love drinking juice and soda, but we forget that these beverages leave unwanted sugar behind on the teeth.  The type of bacteria that causes cavities feeds on sugar, and produces acid that wears away enamel. Enamel is not replaceable, so it’s important to take care of it even from a young age.  When kids drink juice or soda, it is helpful just to drink some water afterwards to dilute acids and wash away food particles and residue. You and your children should be drinking at least eight 8oz glasses of water each day.  Drinking tap water with fluoride is important to help prevent cavities.  If you’re worried that your children may not be drinking enough water, come see us to discuss tips that might help them drink more!

To learn more about oral health and the services provided at our practice, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with Garrison Family Dentistry in Smithville, MO, call 816-532-8778.

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Dental Crowns

A dental crown is a tooth-shaped “cap” that is placed over a tooth – to cover the tooth to restore its shape and size, strength, and improve its appearance. Dental crowns have many uses, such as being able to “cap” a damaged tooth or cover an implant. They can also be used to attach bridges, protect a weak tooth from breaking, or restore one that’s already broken. To discuss dental crowns with one of our doctors at Garrison Family Dentistry, schedule a consultation today.

If you have a tooth that has been weakened due to decay, a desire to restore a broken tooth that has been severely worn down or simply wish to enhance the aesthetics of your smile, then you may be a candidate for a dental crown. Dental crowns are fixed prosthetic devices that one of our doctors cements onto existing teeth or implants. There are several types of materials that can be used for dental crowns and our doctor will discuss them during your consultation.

If you have questions about restorative or cosmetic dentistry, please give us a call. To learn more about the services we provide at our practice, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with Garrison Family Dentistry here in Smithville, MO, call 816-532-8778. 

Saturday, August 11, 2018

Preventive Oral Care

As adults, we may think that our years of proper brushing and flossing are behind us, but that’s not true. In fact, because we are adults, our oral care routine is more important than ever. According to the American Dental Association, preventive measures in dental treatment are intended to defend the onset of disease. For a refresher in taking care of your teeth, you should visit our doctors at Garrison Family Dentistry every six months for a professional cleaning.

Swollen and bleeding gums are early signs that your gums are infected with bacteria. If nothing is done, the infection can spread. While regular dental exams are necessary to remove tartar and detect early signs of gum disease, oral health begins properly caring for your teeth and gums at home. Measures you can take to prevent gum disease and keep your teeth for a lifetime include brushing your teeth for two to three minutes twice a day along the gum line, floss daily, maintain a healthy diet, avoid cigarettes and tobacco and exercise preventive care.

If you have questions about preventive oral care, please give us a call. To learn more about the services we provide at our practice, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with Garrison Family Dentistry here in Smithville, MO, call 816-532-8778. 

Saturday, July 14, 2018

Digital X-rays Benefit Patients

The field of dentistry is constantly evolving and our doctors at Garrison Family Dentistry are keeping up with the changes by utilizing digital X-rays in the office. Digital X-rays take less time than film X-rays and have better quality viewing options for the doctor and the patient. In addition to these benefits, digital X-rays also use 70% less radiation than traditional film X-rays.

Digital X-rays provide less discomfort, detect problems sooner, and offer less time in the dental chair for the patient. Additional patient advantages include avoidance of chemical processing errors, which means that our doctors will be able to take a closer look at the teeth and surrounding structures with astounding accuracy. Additionally, with digital X-ray equipment, X-ray images are instantly stored and ready to view on the computer so you and the doctor can take a closer look at what’s going on in your mouth.

If you have questions or concerns about advancements in dental technology, please give us a call. To learn more about the services we provide at our practice, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with Garrison Family Dentistry here in Smithville, MO, call 816-532-8778.

Thursday, June 28, 2018


Bridges are one of our specialties at Garrison Family Dentistry in Smithville. When people need extensive restorative work done, bridges allow multiple teeth to be restored at once. Depending on an individual patient’s needs, there are several forms a bridge might take.

A bridge is a prosthetic device made up of several crowns. The classic dental bridge was designed so that the crowns on its ends would be cemented over natural teeth, and there would be an additional artificial crown suspended between them. This design had the advantage of allowing patients to keep their natural tooth roots, which was good for the structure of their jaw and avoided lengthy surgical recoveries. However, it required the base crowns to be significantly reshaped, which is only ideal in circumstances in which those crowns would need to be replaced anyway.

Bridges can also be made in the form of partial dentures. These devices may clasp onto existing teeth, but they permit healthy intervening teeth to simply be left alone, instead of being extracted or reshaped. A partial denture may be supported by mini-implants. A bridge may also be supported by normally-sized implants if it is not meant to be removable.

Dr. Matthew Garrison operates at Garrison Family Dentistry, 14790 N. 169 Highway, Smithville, Missouri, 64089. To schedule an appointment, call 816-532-8778 or visit and fill out a contact sheet.


Saturday, May 19, 2018

Tooth Sensitivity

If you drink hot and cold beverages with caution to avoid tooth pain, you may be a victim of dentin hypersensitivity. Also known as tooth sensitivity, this occurs when the enamel that protects our teeth grows thinner, or because gum recession has begun, exposing the underlying dentin. When the dentin is exposed, enamel no longer has a layer of protection. When this happens, our doctors at Garrison Family Dentistry will need to address the problem.

Tooth sensitivity can range from mild to severe. It’s one thing to wince at a hot cup of coffee, but it’s another to breathe in cold air and feel the chill in your tooth root. Causes of tooth sensitivity include, but are not limited to, overzealous brushing, lack of oral care, or tooth erosion from a diet that is highly acidic. Proper oral hygiene is the key to preventing tooth pain. It’s important to visit our doctors at Garrison Family Dentistry to get your sensitivity under control.

If you have questions or concerns regarding tooth sensitivity, please give us a call. To learn more about the services we provide at our practice, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with Garrison Family Dentistry here in Smithville, MO, call 816-532-8778.

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Teeth Whitening

Patients of Garrison Family Dentistry are always asking our doctors about the best way to get to their whitest smile.  Everyone likes to make a great impression with a nice smile and we are excited to offer an at-home whitening option to patients with serious staining to the teeth, and those with minor stains who want to achieve a bright, white smile.

A consultation can help you determine how severe your stains are and what kind of results you can expect from a whitening treatment.  To whiten your teeth at home, we outfit patients with whitening gel and a set of custom trays for application.  A dentist takes an impression of your teeth, and from this impression two custom trays are made for your top and bottom teeth. 

The trays are made for you to take home and use by applying gel to the trays and then fitting them over your teeth. The dentist’s recommendation of how often to treat and how long each treatment should last may vary.  When following the dentist’s recommendations, most patients see results of teeth whitening 4-8 shades.

To learn more about teeth whitening and all the services we offer, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with Garrison Family Dentistry in Smithville, MO, call 816-532-8778.

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Cosmetic Services to Improve Your Smile

If your teeth are yellow in color, or if you have chips, cracks, or fractures in the teeth, our doctors at Garrison Family Dentistry have a variety of cosmetic services to help improve the appearance of your smile. Cosmetic dental services are designed to enhance a patient’s smile while restoring the teeth and gums to their natural function. Allow us to educate you on the different types of services we provide at our practice.

If you are unhappy with the aesthetics of your smile, it’s best to schedule a consultation with one of our doctors so that he or she can assess your needs and perform an oral exam. Cosmetic dental services such as veneers, crowns, teeth whitening, or tooth-reshaping, are designed to improve the overall look of a tooth (or several teeth) but also assist in improving a tooth’s function as well. Our doctors are skilled to answer any questions you may have about the techniques used to improve your smile.

If you have questions or concerns regarding cosmetic services, please give us a call. To learn more about the services we provide at our practice, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with Garrison Family Dentistry here in Smithville, MO, call 816-532-8778.

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Don’t Delay Dental Treatment

There’s a reason why patients are supposed to visit the dentist twice a year and that is to prevent dental diseases such as periodontal disease, tooth decay, oral infections, and oral discomfort in general. If you notice that your teeth are lackluster, or if your breath is less than fresh, it’s time to visit our doctors at Garrison Family Dentistry. By choosing to delay dental treatment, you are only causing your oral health, and your wallet, more harm.

If you don’t practice proper oral care habits, or avoid visiting the dentist for a professional cleaning and oral exam, you are putting your oral health and overall health in jeopardy. The mouth is the window to your overall health, so excessive tooth decay can take a toll on your immune system as well as your cardiovascular system. Additionally, avoiding the dentist when something is wrong could lead to potential tooth loss. If you want to keep your permanent teeth for a lifetime, seek dental treatment immediately.

If you have questions or concerns regarding oral care or dental health, please give us a call. To learn more about the services we provide at our practice, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with Garrison Family Dentistry here in Smithville, MO, call 816-532-8778.

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

NTI Night Guard

If you suffer from frequent headaches, jaw-joint pain, or notice your grinding and clenching your teeth, an NTI night guard may be the solution for you. At Garrison Family Dentistry, we utilize the NTI night guard to alleviate symptoms associated with these conditions or eliminate them completely. If you have exhausted all of your options, or haven’t sought treatment at all, consider scheduling a consultation with one of our doctors to see if this is the right method for you.

The NTI night guard is a small plastic device that is designed to prevent headaches and migraines that are caused by the clenching of the teeth. The objective of this device is to relax the muscles that cause this to happen. At Garrison Family Dentistry, one of our doctors will take an impression of the teeth to custom-fit your night guard. Once yours has been fabricated, you will wear it over the two front teeth at night to prevent contact with the canines and molars.

If you would like to discuss the NTI night guard, please give us a call. To learn more about the services we provide at our practice, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with Garrison Family Dentistry here in Smithville, MO, call 816-532-8778.

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Break Your Bad Oral Habits

If you open packages with your teeth, bite your nails or suck your thumb when you’re anxious, you are likely wrecking your teeth without even knowing it. Habits such as these can damage your teeth over time, and increase your chances of cracking, chipping or fracturing a tooth. Our doctors at Garrison Family Dentistry want you to keep your permanent teeth for a lifetime, so if you practice any of these detrimental habits, it’s time to break them, immediately.

If you’re a nail-biter, this nervous habit can impact your jaw just as much as it impacts your teeth. This is because placing your jaw in a protruded position for a long period of time can put unnecessary pressure on it. Using your teeth as a tool can easily crack teeth because all it takes is one wrong move for the enamel to break. Teeth clenching and grinding will also cause jaw pain, an improper bite, and may cause crooked teeth. If bruxism is detected, our doctors may suggest a mouth guard to protect the teeth.

If you have questions or concerns regarding oral care or dental health, please give us a call. To learn more about the services we provide at our practice, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with Garrison Family Dentistry here in Smithville, MO, call 816-532-8778.

Thursday, February 8, 2018

National Children's Dental Health Month

We provide dental cleanings to people of all ages at Garrison Family Dentistry in Smithville, and we’re proud to have educated so many children about their oral health. February is designated by the American Dental Association as National Children’ Dental Health Month, and this year, dentists are focusing on teaching why and how to use fluoridated toothpaste.

Just because baby teeth fall out doesn’t mean decay will be any less painful if they aren’t kept clean. When children suffer from dental infections, their speech development, eating, sleeping, behavior, and academic performance all suffer. Fluoride treatments at our office can help prevent this, but regular use of fluoridated toothpaste also helps to shield teeth from acid caused by bacteria. We recommend that parents begin brushing their child’s teeth as soon as the first one erupts. As children age, their oral hygiene becomes one of the first aspects of their health that is their own responsibility, which prepares them for a lifetime of making self-care a habit. The only thing to look out for with fluoridated toothpaste is to not use it on oral appliances since they lack the protective film teeth have. These should be brushed with a different toothbrush, as well.

Dr. Matthew Garrison operates at Garrison Family Dentistry, 14790 N. 169 Highway, Smithville, Missouri, 64089. To schedule an appointment, call 816-532-8778 or visit Garrison Dentistry and fill out a contact sheet.


Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Risks of Impacted Wisdom Teeth

Wisdom teeth earn their name because they are the third set of molars to erupt around the ages of 17-22. When wisdom teeth are impacted, this means that they don’t have enough room to emerge or develop normally. Impacted wisdom teeth can result in pain, damage to the surrounding teeth, and other dental problems, such as infection. This is why our doctors at Garrison Family Dentistry recommend extraction, to prevent future problems.

Impacted wisdom teeth may leave a patient with swollen and tender gums, jaw pain, bad breath, or difficulty opening the mouth. Some patients, however, may experience no symptoms at all. Impacted wisdom teeth will also cause problems in the mouth, such as cysts, decay, or periodontal disease. If your wisdom teeth are still intact, it’s best to schedule a consultation with one of our doctors to discuss extraction before any of these symptoms develop.  

If you have questions or concerns regarding wisdom teeth extractions, please give us a call. To learn more about the services we provide at our practice, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with Garrison Family Dentistry here in Smithville, MO, call 816-532-8778.